CFD-FDS-FEA-PyroSim Simulation and Projects

Free surface flow model

In physics, a free surface flow is the surface of a fluid flowing that is subjected to both zero perpendicular normal stress and parallel shear stress. This can be the boundary between two homogeneous fluids, like water in an open container and the air in the Earth's atmosphere that form a boundary at the open face of the container. Computation of free surfaces is complex because of the continuous change in the location of the boundary layer. Conventional methods of computation are insufficient for such analysis. Therefore, special methods are developed for the computation of free surface flows. Source :

We can accomplish free surface flow modeling and simulation with best quality.



Tunnel ventilation desin - CFD and PyroSim Simulation




Cell phone:  +989124780268 (Whats app - Telegram - IMO)

Office: +982166561974 & +982166129745

Tunnel ventilation design and calculation by PIARC method

In recent years Contemporaneous with the advancement of technology, a special consideration need to transport infrastructure has been raised. One of the main methods of transportation is road and rail transportation. The main feature of this methods of transportation, is their generality, which requires special attention to details of design and construction.
Iran also have developed tunnel digging recently issues related to tunneling, has been of particular importance and the Resalat tunnel in Tehran, the first tunnel ventilation design project and control system was undertaken.

Design and Simulation of road / rail tunnel ventilation

Design and simulation of industrial ventilation

Metro Ventilation Design and Simulation

تهویه زیرگذر

Design and Simulation of road and rail tunnel ventilation

The new drilling techniques and TBM devices has led to the possibility of digging long tunnels in less time than usual. One of the requirements of digging long tunnels, is proper ventilation. The most common method of urban tunnels ventilation is the longitudinal ventilation using jet fans.
To cause proper and healthy ventilation in tunnels, additional to equipment, correctly design and detailed calculations of pollutants and environmental conditions are needed.
metro tunnel ventilation 

In order to carry out tunnel ventilation computing feasibility studies, there are processes that must be performed on a regular basis and with a particular order. In order to basic acquaintance with tunnel ventilation calculation process, the main steps of the process, will be mentioned as followed:

Finding out technical drawings and geographical position of the tunnel

Studying the Climatic traffic characteristics of the region and view

Studying the status of pollutants produced by vehicles and analysis of traffic statistics

Calculations to determine required flow rate for ventilation in traffic and fire mode

Studying different methods of ventilation and selection of appropriate method

Flow simulation inside tunnels with Fluent, SES and flow works software

Figuring out all ventilation equipment’s on chosen method, along with Technical Specification

Araco by having the suitable knowledge, work experience in the field of tunnel ventilation and utilizing of Finite element flow simulation techniques is present to carry out projects in road and rail tunnel ventilation design with high certitude and quality.


Click here to read more about Pyro sim - PyroSim and CFD Simulation

Parking (Car park) Ventilation by Jet Fan

Construction and operation of commercial and office complex is highly booming, according to the optimal use of existing spaces in major cities. Due to the compression of space in such complexes, parking’s are designed with assumption to use the most space possible. Large numbers of cars in car park and enclosed spaces, it will be certainly necessary to design a very powerful ventilation system.

Design and implementation of ventilation system is necessary for enclosed parking’s and car park, because of vehicle density. During the normal operation in a car park, vehicles produce pollutant gases like carbon monoxide and NOx which could cause serious damages to people inside the park lot. There is also another risk in car parks, which is the possibility of fire. Considering the enclosed area inside the parking’s, Incidence of fire will produce deadly gases and huge amount of smoke. According to this situation, parking ventilation systems must have capability to control the smoke and deadly gases and provide required time for people to escape from danger.


Parking jet fan - design

The old method for parking ventilation was using ventilation ducts in roof. This method cause many limits in design and operation and in fire situation, ventilation was not good enough.

New technology in this field is application of jet fan for normal ventilation and smoke extraction in case of fire in parking’s. In fact, this technology represents the most innovative and cost-effective alternative to traditional ducted mechanical extraction systems. Carefully managing the project in all its development stages, which requires the fundamental use of fluid dynamics calculation programs - CFD - and also ensures that the system is working correctly. Jet Fan system provides either normal ventilation and can also be provided for smoke extract in case of fire in parking lot.

After final design the performance of jet fan can be evaluated using CFD in normal operation. Also by using PyroSim and FDS software the function of installed jet fan could be tested during simulated fire.

PyroSim is a graphical user interface for the Fire Dynamics Simulator (FDS). PyroSim helps companies to create and manage the details of complex fire models.

Car park CFD

PyroSim and FDS are both using as main software to simulate the fire reaction in different environments like Building, parking lot, Car park, Subway, Tunnel, Cinema, Commercial office complex and …

Using PyroSim we could define smoke detectors and sprinklers in 3D model, in order to examine the current design in case of fire with both software.


Car park (parking) Ventilation Design 

Tunnel ventilation design

Parking CFD projects 

Fire simulation project using PyroSim (FDS) for Tunnel, Parking lot, Stadium and



Cell phone: +989124780268 (Whats app - Telegram - IMO)

Office: +982166561974 - +982166129745

Tunnel ventilation and Industrial ventilation :

CFD - دینامیکیات السوائل الحاسوبیة - مشروع محاکاة وتحلیل العقود مقابل الفروقات

فی میکانیکا التواصل ، میکانیکا الموائع لتشکیل فرع واحد کبیر. تبدأ میکانیکا الموائع بنفس مبادئ المیکانیکا الصلبة ، ولکن ما یمیزها عن بعضها البعض ، وهذا هو السائل على عکس المواد الصلبة لیست قادرة على تحمل إجهاد القص. مع العلم بذلک ، فإنه من المعادلات المخططة لتحلیل حرکة السائل. هذه المعادلات تحترم کلا من الریاضیات البریطانیة والفرنسیة التی تدعى معادلات نافییر ستوکس. CFD - دینامیکیات السوائل الحسابیة - فی الواقع هی حل معادلة Navier-Stokes لصغر حجم النموذج الأصلی. وبهذه الطریقة ینقسم الحجم المرغوب الإجمالی إلى أحجام صغیرة جداً فی شبکة التشغیل وبعد تطبیق شروط الحدود ، یتم حل المعادلة لجمیع العناصر.

دینامیکا الموائع الحسابیة - CFD - من حیث الاتجاه العام هو مماثل مع تحلیل FEM ثابت ودینامیکی. یتم استخدام کلتا الطریقتین لحل عنصر أصغر بکثیر من النموذج الأصلی.

الیوم ، مع زیادة سرعة معالجة الکمبیوتر ، وجدت تحلیلات CFD و FEM مکانًا خاصًا فی التصمیم وتحلیل الفشل. أشیاء مهمة یمکن حسابها فی دینامیکیات السوائل الحاسوبیة:

سرعة المؤامرة ودرجة الحرارة وضغط السائل فی أی نقطة من النموذج

المؤامرات ومواجهة السرعة ودرجة الحرارة وضغط السائل فی الأسطح الداخلیة والخارجیة

رسم تخطیطی لمسار تدفق السوائل

مخططات نقل الحرارة والمؤامرات فی الأسطح الخارجیة والحدود

حساب السرعة ودرجة الحرارة والضغط على مستویات وأحجام مختلفة

رسم تخطیطی لمسار التدفق

تحلیل ومحاکاة نقل الحرارة والسوائل التی یمکن القیام بها مع برامج مثل: Fluent، Ansys and Flow works

فی أجزاء مختلفة من الصناعة ، وتشمل بعض هذه:

تحلیل ومحاکاة التهویة الصناعیة وتکییف الهواء  HVAC CFD -

تحلیل ومحاکاة التوربینات والضاغطات

تحلیل ومحاکاة تهویة الأنفاق

تحلیل ومحاکاة المبادل الحراری

تحلیل و محاکاة المداخن

تحلیل ومحاکاة المضخات

CFD المحاکاة بالقطعة

CFD ومشاریع تحلیل المحاکاة الحراریة

محاکاة النار

PyroSim و محاکاة FDS

اتصل بنا:

الموقع الرسمی:

الهاتف الخلیوی: +989124780268 (Whats app - Telegram - Imo)

المکتب: +982166561974 ، +982166129745

According to our experience in tunnel ventilation design, CFD, FDS and Pyrosim - Pyro Sim- (Fire simulation), and by using professional experts, ARACo could handle international project especially in Middle East. We can handle following types of projects:

- Road tunnel ventilation design and simulation

- Railway and subway tunnel ventilation design and simulation

- Ventilation CFD projects (Tunnel, Parking lot, Stadium and )

- Fire simulation using PyroSim (FDS) (Tunnel, Parking lot, Stadium and )

- Evacuation Simulation using Pathfinder 

- Industrial ventilation design 

Contact us : 

Official website :

Cell phone : +98 912 4780268 (Whats app - Telegram - Imo)

Office : +98 21 66561974 , +98 21 66129745

Sample projects :

Following you can find free download PDF articles and E-Book about fire simulation , CFD , HVAC and ventilation design :

Tunnel ventilation - Heat Transfer in Underground Rail Tunnels

PM effect on health article - PDF


Parking CFD case study article free download


fire simulation in stadium by pyrosim and FDS


PIARC-Air-Emissions-Standard PDF Download
Piarc THE NEW directive on tunnel safety Download
Railway Ventilation Article in Persian
PIARC Vehicle-emissions-and-air-demand-for-ventilation Download


NFPA 88A Standard Free download


Ashrae Ventilation standard free download


NFPA 130 standard Free Download 


American Conference of Governmental Industrial Ventilation download




Volume I: Handbook of Tunnel Engineering Download

Transfer of heat from high temperature source to low temperature source is called heat transfer. The heat transfer can also take place within the system due to temperature difference at various points inside the system. The difference in temperature is considered to be ‘potential’ that causes the flow of heat and the heat itself is called as flux.

Heat transfer methods

In heat transfer fundamental, there are three modes of heat transfer between two objects: conduction, convection and radiation.

These methods have been described below:

Conduction: The transfer of heat between two solid bodies is called as conduction. It depends on the difference in temperature of the hot and cold body.

Convection: The transfer of heat between a solid surface and the liquid is called as convection heat transfer. Convection can also take place between two types of fluids like gas and liquid and also inside a fluid.

Radiation: When two bodies are at different temperatures and separated by distance, the heat transfer between them is called as radiation heat transfer. In case of the conduction and convection heat transfer there is a media to transfer the heat, but in case of the radiation heat transfer there is no media. The radiation heat transfer occurs due to the electromagnetic waves that exist in the atmosphere.

You can see all types of heat transfer modes in following picture.

heat transfer mode

Heat transfer analysis is one type of the CFD simulations. This type of CFD simulation is focused on calculating the rate of heat transfer inside and outside of a system.

Heat transfer simulations is a powerful tool to estimate the thermodynamic condition inside an industrial process and system. This type of CFD simulation can be used for:

PCB heat transfer simulation and analysis

Heat exchanger simulation and analysis

Reactor simulation and analysis

Electric board simulation

Engine heat transfer simulation

And …

heat transfer simulation


Heat transfer simulation

Heat exchanger simulation

Convection heat transfer simulation



Cell phone: 00989124780268 (Whats app - Telegram - IMO)

Office: 00982166561974 - 00982166129745


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